Tuesday, January 13, 2015

[7080] 이용복 - 사랑의 모닥불(1972)

Koreans Need to Beware of Collaborationist Elites Who Imitate the Decadent West

Korea has a long history of collaborating with foreign powers. It isn't difficult to understand why. As a small and weak kingdom/country, Korea was often at the mercy of bigger/stronger powers. Also, as Chinese history was older and its culture more advanced than those of Korea, Koreans took a junior partner role in its relation with giant neighbor. Over thousands of years, Koreans learned to get along with the Chinese. A lot of good came of this, but Koreans were never equal with the Chinese. Koreans understood themselves to be a 'little brother' to a 'bigger brother'.

And when Mongols and Manchus later invaded Korea, Koreans had no choice but to collaborate with the invaders in order to survive. And of course, in the 20th century when the Japanese colonized Korea, many Korean elites opted to collaborate with the Japanese who had the guns and power. Japan did develop Korea industrially, but Koreans had to pay the price of being second-class citizens in their own country.

When Japan was defeated in World War II, United States divided Korea in half and gave the northern half to Josef Stalin, the totalitarian ruler of the Soviet Union. In the south, the elites collaborated with American occupiers, and in the north the newly installed communist leaders collaborated with the Soviet Union.

So, Korean history has been one long story of collaborating with bigger powers. Sometimes, collaboration was necessary. Furthermore, Korea learned useful and valuable things from the bigger/stronger nations it collaborated with. But there were also times when Koreans collaborated for reasons that were craven, cowardly, submissive, imitative, and/or desperate for approval from nations/peoples deemed to be superior to the Koreans.

Today, the biggest danger comes from Korean elites who studied in the West, especially the United States. In the past, US was dominated by Anglo-American elites who stood for ideas such as Christian values, human rights, individuality, and liberty. Today, Anglo-American elites are a thing of the past. US is now ruled by Jewish elites and their homosexual allies. So, the prevailing value system in America is now all about 'what is good for Jews' and 'what is good for homos'.

United States, in service of Jewish goals, will destroy any nation that Israel/Zionists don't like. So, the Arab/Muslim Middle East has been demolished in the past two decades by America foreign policy designed and dictated by Jewish-American elites. And because Jews are angry at Russia for preventing Jewish takeover of the entire nation, American Jews have been pulling all sorts of dirty tricks to undermine the Russian economy and politics. And since homosexuals are angry at Russia for not allowing 'gay pride' parades and 'gay marriage', they've been working with Jews to destroy Russia's image around the world.

If you think what Japan did to Korea was horrible, think of what Zionists did to the Palestinians. At least Korea survived and Koreans still occupy Korean land. In what was once Palestine, most Palestinians have been expelled and replaced by Jewish Zionist-Imperialists. Israel defends itself by declaring itself a democracy, but imagine if Japanese stole Korean land and set up a democracy with Japanese colonists. Would the democratization of Korea under Japanese rule with a mostly Japanese population justify the Japanese ethnic cleaning of Koreans from their own homeland?

America is now an evil nation where Jews steal trillions on Wall Street. It is a nation where businessmen are driven out of business for not accommodating homosexual demands. State after state in America has been forced to accept 'homosexual marriage'. If bakers refuse to bake 'gay wedding cakes', their businesses are shut down. They are sued, fined, and even imprisoned.

And yet, Korean and Korean-American elites studying in America soak up all the rotten and trashy values of America. Why? They are collaborating like so many Koreans have done through the ages. They are so impressed by American wealth, power, privilege, and glamour that they blindly and mindlessly imitate everything 'American'.
And they are slavish to Americans and white people; they act like dogs seeking approval from their masters. Korean and Korean-American elites in the US feel themselves to be superior to Koreans in Korea because they themselves slavishly kiss the ass of Jewish/homo elites. Korean and Korean-American elites in America timidly apologize to their white/Jewish/homo rulers because Korea still doesn't have 'gay marriage' and 'open borders immigration'.

Korean and Korean-American elites never ask the truly crucial question: WHAT IS REALLY GOOD FOR KOREA? Their main priority is to win the approval of Jewish-and-homo American elites. And because they are so slavish, they never stop to think about or question the agendas of the Jews and homos who rule America. Instead, they are willing to say or think anything to gain approval and status by serving their American masters.

Korean history is shameful for its mindless collaboration with bigger foreign powers.
Of course, it's great to learn from other nations and take in new ideas. But Koreans need to be critical of foreign ideas. Koreans must challenge and question them instead of just swallowing them.
Koreans know how to learn but they don't know how to think. The truth is neither in the mindless rejection or mindless acceptance of foreign ideas. Furthermore, no idea or agenda should be accepted and embraced solely for the sake of gaining the approval and acceptance of powers deemed to be bigger and more powerful. If the very survival of Korea depended on it, it'd be understandable. This is why it's wrong to be too harshly critical of Koreans who collaborated with the brutal Japanese.

But Korean and Korean-American elites who collaborate with their American masters are doing so for the sake of vanity and privilege. They've noticed that the richest cities and the most powerful institutions of America are owned by Liberals, Jews, and homos. And so, Korean and Korean-American elites go out of their way to imitate and win approval from people richer and more powerful than they are.

But a truly good people need to learn to be defiant and independent in their thought. If Koreans just cave to Western standards, they will only demonstrate to the world that they are no better than dogs. Also, the fact that Korean and Korean-American elites care most of all about winning the approval of the Western elites would imply that they despise non-elite Koreans who make up most of Korea. Korean and Korean-American elites feel closer to global elites than to their own countrymen.

While there should be room for homosexuals in Korea, a free and independent Korea must not bend over to the sick decadent demands of America that is now controlled by Jews and homos. It's one thing to allow homosexuals to be free, but it's downright insane to pretend that homosexuality has equal value with real sexuality that is healthy and produces life. After all, even homosexuals were produced through real sexuality or heterosexuality. The idea of 'gay marriage' presupposes that homosexuality has equal biological and moral footing with real sexuality. But can two men sticking their penises into each other's anus be the biological or moral equivalent of man and woman performing real sex to produce the miracle of life?

Koreans must not collaborate with the sick globalist order controlled by Jews and homos who run America. And Koreans mustn't base their self-worth and national worth on how much approval and attention they garner from America, which is now sick and decadent war-mongering nation that brought upon horrible death and destruction the Middle East.

American Jewish and homo groups are now funding pro-homo groups and movements in South Korea. Also, the US government(that is totally dominated by Jews and homos) and its Korean-American lackeys are secretly exerting pressure on the South Korean business community. They are saying that if South Korea won't allow 'gay marriage', its business will suffer in the US; however, if South Korea is the first Asian nation to allow 'gay marriage', it will be showered with special economic prizes. In other words, US sees South Korea as its prostitute and dog. 'Gay marriage' is Jewish-and-homo cultural imperialism all over the world. During the Japanese colonization of Korea, Japanese tried to force Japanese names, language, and culture on Koreans.
Today, American cultural imperialists are trying to force 'gay marriage' on Koreans.
Will Koreans go along like dogs and collaborate? Or, will Koreans finally be defiant and defend true Korean marriage from the decadent brand of marriage perverted by Jews and homos in America?

If Korea is a trashy and materialistic nation that only cares about fashions and life styles, it will go with 'gay marriage'. But if Koreans have a sense of roots, heritage, and history, they will realize that 'gay marriage' is an affront to the Korean race, culture, and history.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Korean-Americans Need to Stop Getting Stupid Tattoos

More and more, we see Korean-Americans getting stupid tattoos, especially on their fore/arms. Some Korean-Americans might justify their decisions as a form of self-expression in a free society, but we can't help notice that many Korean-Americans are simply are getting stupid tattoos because 'everyone else' is doing it. Koreans and Korean-Americans have a tendency to act like lemmings. Even when they claim to be for freedom, individuality, and 'empowerment', they slavishly imitate whatever trend or fashion that happens to be prevalent at the moment. And of course, these trends and fashions are almost always hatched and disseminated by non-Koreans. So, non-Koreans come up with 'new shit', and Korean-Americans just follow and imitate like a bunch of lemmings and monkeys in a monkey-see-monkey-do way.

Tattoos are mostly ugly and stupid. It's ugly because the human body is not a canvas. If you want to draw stuff, get a coloring book or a painting canvas. Don't use your own hide. Tattoos are also an extreme form of expression because they are permanent. Why would you want to do something at a spur of the moment that will stay with you til the day you die?

We often do stupid things, and thankfully, we can put our past thoughts and actions behind us. But tattoos remain like the Mark of Cain. If tattoos came off after a week or month, I suppose it's okay to goof around with that stuff. But doing something that will stay with your forever? That's really dumb.
Just look back on your life. What you thought was important when you were 5 yrs old didn't seem so important when you were 10 yrs. What you thought was most important when you were 10 yrs old seemed stupid when you were 15 yrs old. Your main obsession when you were 15 was meaningless by the time you were 20. Imagine if you got a tattoo of Mickey Mouse when you were 5. Would you want that to stay with you forever?
When you're 20, you might think such-and-such is so important, but it may mean nothing to you by the time you're 30 or 40, let alone 50 or 60. So, why would you want to put graffiti on your skin at 20 that will remain with you for the rest of your life?

Tattooing is an extreme activity because the tattoo remains on you forever. So, tattoos should never be done casually as a fashion statement. Fashions change. You change. Why do something at one moment that will mark you forever? It says something about the infantile nature of our age that so many young people mindlessly think their youthful impulses(which are mostly imitative and slavish) will define them for the rest of their lives. Grow up, people.

We should approach our bodies as precious gifts given to us by our parents. We shouldn't use the skin as a canvas for graffiti. Graffiti is ugly on properties. Why spread graffiti all over your skin? When you hold your newborn baby in your hand and look at his or her beautiful skin, do you want the kid to grow up to be some trashy fashion-slave-hog who will one day desecrate her own skin with ugly pictures?

There are cases where I can understand the significance of tattoos. If you've been through a great ordeal--like soldiers in war--and if you want to use tattoos to memorialize your great trial and survival, your motivation would at least understandable. It'd be a case of extreme expression(tattoos) designating one's rite-of-passage through an extreme experience.

But if you're just some spoiled brat who's had an easy life and never knew danger, what does your tattoo signify? That you merely FELT LIKE getting one for the hell of it because everyone else seems to?
If you want to do something for the hell of it, go get an ice cream sundae or listen to some music. Don't get a meaningless tattoo that will be stuck onto you forever.

Grow up.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Rap Music's Poisonous Influence on the Korean/American Community

There are some fun and interesting rap songs, and I can understand the appeal of rap music. It has an infectious beat(to some at least), and it's all about Fighting and Fuc*ing, two basic animal drives that energize youthful hormones.
At his core, man is an animal, and animalism is all about competition(fighting) for turf and females. And basic female instinct is to attract the toughest and most powerful males.
Though all of art and music can be said to be sublimated expressions of basic animal drives, Rap may be most direct and brazen in spewing forth the animal nature of man. And since blacks are the strongest and the most aggressive of all human races, other races are impressed by black prowess as singers, dancers, and sex beasts.

As Koreans and Korean-Americans are generally a crass, shallow, and materialistic people, they slavishly emulate and imitate whatever happens to be globally popular. Of course, 90% of global culture is created by American entertainment industry that is mostly owned/managed by Jews and dominated by lots of wild aggressive blacks in popular music(that has grown downright pornographic over the years).
Koreans, in their intense drive to catch up with the West, have forgotten about much of their own culture. And as Korean parents have driven their kids to rise in economic status and make a lot of money, kids gravitate toward brands and products that smack of power, privilege, and popularity.

But Koreans need to be wary of rap music/culture. First of all, Rap has an attitude problem. Indeed, 90% of rap is all about attitude, a very nasty & trashy one at that.

Now, consider the world and ponder all its wonders. Look at the sky. Look at the stars in the night. Consider the mountains and hills. The oceans and the five continents. Think of the plants and animals of nature. Think of the richness of the cultures of the world. Think of the books and literary masterpieces in the libraries. Think of your ancestors and the stories of their suffering and survival. Think of the histories of the world. Think of arts and cultures of various nations. Think of all the great art forms. Think of the great religions and their great prophets and visionaries. Think of the saints and martyrs. There is so much to learn, so much to see, so much to hear.
When we ponder the world, we should be filled with curiosity, respect, reverence, and humility. Planet Earth is just a speck in the universe, and we humans are like fireflies in the vast panorama of history. Our lives are short, and youth is even shorter. A mere flicker. So, the proper attitude is know our place in the world. From such an attitude, we can appreciate and understand our place in the larger history, larger world, larger humanity, larger universe. We need to know that there's a reality and truth much grander and greater than any of us. With such an attitude, we can embark on a meaningful journey of discovery and self-discovery.

But what kind of attitude does rap encourage and instill in its fans? An attitude that is childish, nasty, infantile, egocentric, self-centered, narcissistic, vicious, thuggish, and cocky. It just gives a middle finger to the world. According to rap culture, you don't have to know anything to know everything. A rapper cannot even be bothered to pull his pants up, but he mouths off F-bombs like a know-it-all.
A rapper thinks his problems are the biggest in the history of mankind. He bitches and whines, but he or she's totally deaf and blind to the problems of anyone else. Rappers are trashy divas who think their complaints constitute the greatest tragedy the world as ever known.
Rappers don't need to read books or attend schools. They don't need to learn anything to know everything. So, why do they think they know everything? ATTITUDE. They got the attitude of spoiled children who cry and whine about how the world should revolve around their bitchy little egos. Though some rappers bitch about how their childhood was miserable, they show no sympathy or compassion for others who are worse off.

With such an attitude, how does one develop the skills, manners, and maturity to learn about the bigger world filled with richness and wonders? If one thinks one's personal problems are the biggest tragedies in the world, how can one relate to real horrible tragedies like the Korean War or the Great Famine in North Korea in the 1990s where millions perished.
But rapper thugs and bitches only think of themselves. Even when they sing about social issues, the main focus is less on the issue than on their own self-righteous egotism.

20th century should be humbling to all Koreans. So many tragedies befell the Korean people. There were also triumphs attained through much hard work, collective effort, reforms, and sacrifice. Think of all the people who died in wars. Think of all the Koreans in the past who only knew toil and suffering to rebuild their nation from the ashes of war. Koreans need to learn, appreciate, and remember their history of tragedy as no people can be said to have a heritage or culture unless they preserve their heritage. After all, Jewish culture revolved around the Torah and the Talmud that served as repositories of Jewish memories, histories, tragedies, and wisdom. If ancient Jews had the attitude of rappers, they never would have bothered to write anything down and teach the lessons of their history to their children. If Koreans had acted like rappers for 2,500 yrs, they never would have built civilization or preserved any kind of national memory. Not that Koreans had the best attitude throughout history, but they at least had an attitude that showed appreciation for their ancestors and heritage. That is why the Korean people and nation survived as long as they did.

But what kind of attitude does rap culture instill in Korean youths? One of ignorance + arrogance. Rappers think they don't need knowledge and learning. They don't need schooling. They demand respect but show no respect to others. They all imitate and ape one another while pretending to be original and individualistic. Their idea of conversation is talking shit to one another, especially saying stupid things about each other's mother.

Black American community has lost its way. In the 60s and 70s, there were some blacks who sought to rediscover their roots and culture. But those blacks have been forgotten. Since the 1980s, rap culture came to define black American culture, and it's all about amnesia, arrogance, thuggery, prostitution, drugs, guns, and etc. It celebrates ignorance, sexual debauchery, arrogance, and brutality. The rap idea of woman is a whore or 'ho', or 'bitchass skankass ho'.
Why do so many Koreans adopt the attitude of rap? Are they a bunch of lemmings? A bunch of imitative puppets without a culture of their own? Are Koreans too childish and impulsive to develop and cultivate a more mature and intelligent attitude about life?

Attitude is important because it defines one's relation to the world. A person with bad attitude will misinterpret reality and mistreat others. A person with a useful attitude will be filled with curiosity, appreciation, and wonderment about the world.

Indeed, the reason why Korea lagged behind is because of its bad attitude throughout history toward the larger world. As the imitative puppet of China, Koreans for a long long time saw themselves as civilized while deriding the rest of the world as 'barbaric'. So, Koreans lagged behind while the 'barbaric' West made great progress with their greater curiosity, maturity, and intelligence outlook on the world. Korean attitude through the ages blinded Korea with xenophobic arrogance and hurt its chances to learn new ideas and make progress.
And North Korea has a bad attitude. It's leader is like some communist rapper thug who thinks he's the center of the universe. He's some spoiled brat who thinks he knows everything since he owns North Korea like his private bling.

Given this aspect of Korean history, Koreans need to adopt the right kind of attitude. And Rap is the wrong kind of attitude for Koreans. Look at the black American community. Its bad attitude has led to broken families, crime-ridden neighborhoods, gun violence, gangsterism, children born out of wedlock, failure in schools, and etc. Yet, blacks never deal honestly with their problems because their attitude is so stupid and childish. Even a black guy who ever read a book thinks he knows everything since he thinks he's so 'badass' with all that rap culture shit. Blacks fail in school. Many black families don't have a single book in the entire house. Blacks are so filled with the bad attitude of rap that they are blind to their own stupidity and childishness.

So, why are Koreans adopting the nasty and stupid attitude(and styles) of rap? Such an attitude doesn't instill respect and reverence for the great histories, cultures, arts, ideas, and achievements of mankind through the ages. Koreans need to adopt a cultural attitude that encourages them to learn more, think more, see more, and explore more. Rap culture is insular and self-contained. Though a global phenomenon, it's all about a bunch of young thuggish clowns who refuse to mature emotionally or intellectually. It's about being stuck in the rut of youthful thuggery and obnoxiousness.

Beside, there's a lot of black-on-Asian violence in American public schools. When Asian-American youths are targeted by stronger and bigger black thugs steeped in rap culture, does it make sense for Asian-Americans to celebrate and imitate the very culture of thuggery that has come to define the black American community?

Koreans and Korean-Americans need to develop their own culture of manhood and womanhood that are based on responsibility, maturity, sensibility, and intelligence. It's embarrassing that Koreans boast of a history that goes back 2,500 yrs, but the minute they come to America, their culture amounts to mindless imitation of black ghetto culture that celebrates mayhem, murder, rape, debauchery, violence, aggression, infantilism, lasciviousness, and apelike antics.

Koreans need to grow up. And Korean parents need to raise their kids better. But because Korean parents stress nothing but status and money, their children grew up imitative of everything that is stupid, crass, and childish in America.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Why This Mania for 'Diversity' in South Korea?

Why do South Koreans think 'diversity' is a great thing? Personally, I can see the advantages of some diversity. More restaurants. A more colorful and interesting population. But too much diversity can lead to the erasure and even extinction of a race. At one time, Kosovo was Serbian land. But due to massive Albanian-Muslim influx, Serbians lost it forever.

So, while some degree of diversity can be good for Korea, excessive diversity can lead to the death of Korea. This is especially true if Korea were to adopt OPEN BORDERS policy. Suppose Korea becomes reunified in the future, and then suppose there's open borders policy between Korea and China. This is far more dangerous to Korea than to China. If all Koreans move to China, they would still be a small minority in China. But if just 5% of Chinese move to Korea, they would compromise nearly 50% of the population. Korea will eventually just be swallowed up by China, like Tibet is being flooded with Han Chinese. Do Koreans want that?

I think Koreans watch a lot of stupid TV shows and see 'diversity' as just some 'cool' stuff in movies and music videos. But too much diversity comes with lots of problems. Reality is not a fantasy you see on TV. Also, Hollywood movies are 90% fantasy.
On TV, everyone smiles and gets along. In reality, diversity leads to all sorts of conflicts, suspicions, and dangers. Also, keep in mind that too much diversity will lead to the sexual emasculation of the Korean men. Many white and black men come to Korea to look for Korean women. Indeed, many more foreign men come to Asia to look for women than foreign women come to Asia to look for men. This is because Asian women are prized by foreign men as being very feminine. But Asian men are held in contempt by foreign women as being un-masculine.
So, diversity affects the sexual game differently between Korean men and Korean women. Korean women will gain access to a wide array of foreign men, but Korean men will mostly just lose their women to foreign men since most foreign women don't want Korean men. In time, Korean women will come to despise Korean men as they go with foreign men who are taller and bigger. In America, many more Korean women marry non-Korean men than Korean men marry non-Korean women. This is because American society sees Asian women as desirable but see Asian men as undesirable. And Korean women absorb these perceptions. Korean-American women feel ashamed to go with Korean-American men. So, many of them go with non-Korean men. This is why a lot of Korean-American men go back to Korea to look for brides. In America, Korean-American men are rejected not only by non-Korean women but even by Korean-American women. If South Korea has open borders with the US, tons of American men will come to Korea and take Korean women while Korean men will lose their women and become emasculated.

Korean history is filled with stories of Korean women being dragged off by Mongols, Manchus, and Japanese. It's filled with stories of American G.I.s using Korean women as prostitutes. Korea has been 'fucked' by the whole world. Increasing diversity will mean more foreign men will come to Korea to take Korean women. And as Korean women compare taller foreign men with shorter Korean men, they will come to despise their own men. Is this good for Korea?

Some Koreans think they have an obligation to become diverse. This is because they are slavish and imitative of the West. While white people in the West don't care what Koreans think, Koreans have a big inferiority complex and always care about what white people in the West think about them. Koreans seek the attention and approval of whites in the West. So, if the West celebrates 'diversity', Koreans feel they must do likewise. If the West has 'gay marriage', Koreans feel they should follow suit. Koreans are like monkeys. Monkey see, Monkey do. Koreans see, Koreans do. If Koreans had self-confidence, they would not seek the attention and approval of whites in the West.
I think it's great that Koreans now learn from the West and the World. But Koreans should NOT be mindlessly slavish and imitative of the West. Koreans should think critically. Besides, the West is now corrupt and disgusting. Its government and media are run by globalist Jews. And its pop culture is mostly pornographic and Afro-ghetto that is obsessed with nothing but crass materialism, fighting, and fuc*ing. And American culture routinely deride and degrade Korean men as having the smallest penises in the world(though factually untrue). Korean-American women absorb these anti-Korean-male prejudices and prefer to go with non-Korean men whether they be white or black.

So, why should Korea become diverse? North America and South America became diverse because of centuries of conquest, invasion, genocide, slavery, and immigration. The natives were conquered by white colonizers. Whites spread diseases and wiped out tens of millions of natives. White men raped native women and produced mixed-race people. Then, whites brought over black slaves. Whites later brought over Chinese to work like slaves building the railroads. So, the diversity of the New World was brought forth by bloody conquest and exploitation.

In contrast, Korea wasn't conquered by the Spanish and the English. Koreans weren't wiped out by foreign diseases. They weren't raped in huge numbers by foreign colonizers. And Koreans didn't import millions of black slaves from Africa. Korea is not diverse because Korea wasn't conquered and because Koreans didn't traffic in the global slave trade.
So, why should Koreans be ashamed of their lack of diversity? Shouldn't they be proud of homogeneity? Korean homogeneity is proof that Koreans survived as a people and protected their land. It's also proof that Koreans, unlike whites in the New World, didn't bring millions of black slaves to Korea.

At one time, all of Hawaiian Islands belonged to the natives. Now, Hawaii is much more diverse, and the natives are minorities in their own ancestral homelands. Do Koreans want to end up like Hawaiians?

That said, Koreans should treat foreigners with decency and fairness. And I have no problem with foreigners coming to Korea to visit or to work. And if some fall in love with and marry Koreans, that's okay too.
But OPEN BORDERS policy would be horrible for Korea. Korea should be very selective in deciding who gets to come and settle in Korea.

Also, if Korea needs more people, Koreans should have more babies. Korea will remain Korea if it has a lot of Koreans. If Koreans don't breed and instead import millions of foreigners, Korea will eventually become another country.

After Koreans survived Japanese colonization, the division of Korea by Americans, the Korean War, and other calamities, do Koreans really want to hand over their nation to other peoples? Don't Koreans want to survive as a people?

If Korea had a high birthrate, it wouldn't matter so much. But Korea is dying with so many women not having children. When Koreans don't have kids but open Korea to massive influx of foreigners, Korea will fade away as a nation. Did Korea survive for 2,500 yrs just to vanish in several decades by the new elites who just want the approval of decadent western elites? Why are Koreans so slavishly imitative of everything Western?

Koreans need to understand that for most American people, Korean is only prized for its women as sex partners and its men to serve as computer geeks. "Hey, Korean women, suck my dick, and hey, Korean boys, fix my computer."

As for stuff like K-Pop, it presents Korean women as mannequin-like prostitutes. But then, prostituting themselves comes naturally to Koreans as South Korea is a just a political prostitute of the United States and the people of North Korea are prostitutes of the Kim Dynasty. When will Koreans learn to really stand up for themselves?

When an arrogant American accuses a Korea of being not diverse, the Korean should shout back that the Americas, both North America and South America, became diverse as the result of invasion, conquest, genocide, immigration-to-exploit-cheap-labor, slavery, and mass rape. Mexico became diverse because Spanish conquerors invaded the land and raped lots of women. And America and Brazil became diverse because they imported a lot of black slaves.
So, there is no need for Koreans to feel any shame for lacking racial diversity. They were not conquered by white imperialists and they didn't enslave blacks.

But the Korean elites studied in America and imitate Western ideology. They think they are better than Koreans because they traveled around the world and prefer the company of foreigners than of Koreans. They often put down and insult Koreans as not being 'progressive' enough. They think they are so much better because they seek the approval of Western elites. Consider the Seoul mayor who said he wants 'gay marriage' in Korea to a San Francisco newspaper. In America, bakers are sued and destroyed for not baking 'gay marriage' wedding cakes. Westernized Korean elites want a Korea where 'gay marriage' is legalized and where Korean bakers who won't bake 'gay wedding' cakes will be driven out of business. They are mindless ideological servants of Jews who run the American universities and government. They are vermin.

Of course, as Korea is economically dependent on US markets, America can exert pressure to force Korea open its borders and legalize 'gay marriage'. American neo-imperialists can say, 'you better take in tons of foreigners and you better have gay marriage, because if you don't, we will close our markets to your products'. Since Korea is an economic prostitute of the US, it will come under pressure to obey. But if Korea obeys such a command, it has no self-respect left.

Americans want to Hawaiian-ize Korea. At one time, Hawaiians owned Hawaii. Today, Hawaiians are minorities in their own homeland. That's what Americans did to Hawaiians.
Now, they are trying to do the same thing to Korea. They want open borders in Korea so that Korea will become less than 50% Korean in 50 yrs.

If Koreans go along with this, they are a race of slaves, not a race of patriots.